Tooth Extractions
in Chatham

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Tooth Extractions with Your Needs in Mind

There are several reasons why someone may need a tooth extraction. They’re often performed when teeth are severely damaged, infected, or affected by another issue that could impact other parts of the mouth. 

Our goal at Grand West Dental is to help you understand all the reasons why an extraction may be recommended and present you with appropriate solutions that support your needs and oral health.

Your long-term well-being is our priority. Schedule an appointment with us today for a personalized dental exam.

When Might You Need a Tooth Extraction?

When there is extensive damage to your tooth, a severe infection, or another issue that cannot be solved with a different kind of treatment, such as a root canal, an extraction may be necessary. 

Some common issues that may require tooth extraction include:

  • A badly fractured tooth
  • An impacted wisdom tooth
  • Severe tooth decay
  • Extreme gum disease

What to Expect During a Tooth Extraction

Tooth extractions vary in length depending on your personal health and how many teeth need to be removed.

The affected teeth and surrounding gums will be numbed to reduce your sensitivity before the procedure begins. After the tooth is removed, the socket will be cleaned and disinfected.

Before a tooth extraction, your dentist will assess the affected tooth and surrounding areas to determine the extent of the issue affecting your health. This may include performing an X-ray or other tests. Your dentist will also ask about your dental and medical history to help determine if an extraction is the most suitable course of action.

Before your appointment, we may recommend that you avoid eating and smoking for 12 hours. When you come for your appointment, try to wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing and a short-sleeve shirt.

Sedation may be available depending on the issue affecting your oral health and your overall personal health. The types of sedation we can offer and assist with include oral sedation, nitrous oxide (laughing gas), and hospital sedation. We can determine the right option for you based on your situation.

You may feel groggy after your tooth extraction if you were sedated for the procedure. While you recover from your procedure, we recommend you avoid using straws, smoking, and vaping. Keep the extraction site clean and stick to eating only soft foods for a few days to allow your teeth and gums to heal.

Alternatives to Help Save a Tooth

Before resorting to a tooth extraction, efforts will be made to save your natural tooth. This may include crowns, root canals, fillings, and other restorative procedures. If the issue affecting your teeth is too severe for any of those options to be viable, then we may recommend an extraction to help protect your long-term oral health. 

Our priority is to help you maintain your oral health, overall well-being, and your smile.

Get Personal Guidance for Tooth Extractions

We’re here to provide guidance based on your personal health and help you preserve your teeth. We can help you determine if an extraction is the right choice for your needs or if there may be other options for preserving your smile. 

If you would like a personal consultation, book an appointment with us today.

Our Location

Where to Find Us

You can find us on Grand Avenue West. Our location offers plenty of parking for your convenience.

Contact Information

Our Address

  • 227 Grand Ave W.
  • Chatham, ON N7L 1C3

Hours of Operation

8:30 AM 5:00 PM
8:30 AM 6:00 PM
8:30 AM 5:00 PM
8:30 AM 5:00 PM
8:30 AM 3:00 PM
8:30 AM 12:30 PM

*We are open until 6 PM on alternating Wednesdays.

**We are only open on Saturdays once a month.

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