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5 Signs You Need Dental Implants

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A young adult rubbing their jaw in discomfort while brushing their teeth due to tooth decay and damage.

Missing teeth can make everyday life more challenging, affecting how you eat and speak, and even changing the look of your smile. Missing teeth can even compromise your oral health and increase the risk of infections or decay. So what are your options?

If you’re living with missing teeth, discomfort, or a damaged jaw, dental implants may be the right ideal. These artificial teeth are designed to restore the function of your natural teeth. With dental implants, you can enjoy a stronger, healthier smile—and it all begins with a visit to your dentist.

What Are Dental Implants? 

Dental implants are a permanent replacement for missing teeth. They’re made up of three key parts:

  • A small titanium post that functions as the tooth root 
  • A connector called an abutment 
  • A crown that looks and feels like a natural tooth

The titanium post is placed in the jawbone, where it integrates naturally over time. This keeps the implant strong and secure. Then, the other pieces are attached, and the implant becomes a fully functioning tooth.

Why Dental Implants Are Important 

Dental implants are one of the most effective and long-lasting options for replacing missing teeth. They’re also versatile, as they can be used to replace a single tooth or multiple teeth. The purpose of implants is simple—to prevent the problems a missing tooth causes.

A gap in your teeth can lead to significant issues for your oral health. Missing teeth can cause:

  • Difficulty chewing food properly 
  • Shifting of surrounding teeth 
  • Jawbone deterioration over time 
  • Changes to facial structure or appearance 
  • Impaired speech functionality

Replacing missing teeth with dental implants helps prevent all these problems and more. These artificial teeth provide stability and support that other options—like dentures or bridges—sometimes can’t match.

How to Tell If You Need Dental Implants 

So how can you tell if you need dental implants? You should watch out for any signs of a problem with your teeth, smile, or overall dental health. If you’re ever unsure, visit your dentist, and trust their professional recommendation. Their advice can make all the difference.

  1. You Have One or More Missing Teeth 

Even a single missing tooth can cause problems over time. The resulting empty space can lead to shifting teeth and problems with alignment. These spaces create gaps where bacteria thrive, which increases the risk of long-term damage due to decay and infections.

When a dental implant is installed, it fills these spaces. This prevents teeth from shifting or problems with jawbone deterioration.

  1. You Have Difficulty Speaking or Eating 

One core problem of a missing or damaged tooth is how it affects your mouth’s natural function. Speaking and eating become significantly harder—sometimes, even painful.

Dental implants restore the natural function of your mouth. They strengthen the affected area and make it easier to speak, chew, and swallow. This helps improve your overall quality of life and prevent further dental problems.

A patient smiling after a dental exam to install their new dental implant.

  1. You Have Severe Tooth Decay or Damage 

Sometimes a tooth is too damaged or decayed to be saved. Replacing a damaged tooth with a dental implant reduces the risk of permanent damage and prevents further complications.

You can recognize significant damage and decay by:

  • Pain when chewing or biting 
  • A cracked or broken tooth that can’t be repaired 
  • Persistent sensitivity due to extensive decay 
  • Visible wear and tear, cracks, or chips

An implant offers a permanent fix to these problems. It preserves your jawbone and your mouth’s function, offering an effective, long-lasting improvement to your smile.

  1. Your Dentures or Bridges Don’t Fit Comfortably 

Removable options like dentures or bridges work for many people. However, they aren’t always the right option. Sometimes, these appliances can slip, feel bulky, or simply not meet your needs.

If this is the case, dental implants can offer a more secure alternative. They’re fixed in place and designed to offer permanent results. This gives you a more natural replacement without causing hassles.

  1. You Have Jawbone Loss After Tooth Loss 

When a tooth is missing, the jawbone in that area can start to shrink. Over time, this can affect your oral health and change the shape of your face. While dentures or bridges may not address this, dental implants can. 

Implants stimulate the bone, keeping it healthy and strong. If jawbone loss has already occurred, your dentist can still help—through procedures like bone crafting, they can create a strong foundation for your future implants. This helps avoid problems like jawbone loss and helps you maintain your appearance.

Is It Time for Dental Implants? 

If you’re noticing signs of something wrong—like severe discomfort or visible damage—don’t wait. A missing or damaged tooth can lead to long-lasting problems like decay, jawbone loss, and more. There’s no need to put your health at risk, and our team at Grand West Dental can help. Contact us today to request your appointment, and together, we can find a solution that works for you.

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You can find us on Grand Avenue West. Our location offers plenty of parking for your convenience.

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Our Address

  • 227 Grand Ave W.
  • Chatham, ON N7L 1C3

Hours of Operation

8:30 AM 5:00 PM
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8:30 AM 12:30 PM

*We are only open on Saturdays once a month, subject to change.

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