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How Long Does a Root Canal Take?

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A close-up model of a jaw showing how a tooth infection creates a need for a root canal.

Root canals are a dental procedure used to save natural teeth and relieve pain, but treatment duration can vary depending on the patient. A typical root canal takes 60 to 90 minutes and can often be completed in a single visit. 

However, if there is more significant damage to the tooth pulp, a patient might require a longer appointment or multiple visits. This blog will explain why that can happen and how you can prepare for the procedure.

What Is a Root Canal?

A root canal is a dental procedure designed to remove infected or damaged tooth pulp from inside a tooth. This process involves cleaning, disinfecting, and sealing the tooth to prevent further infection. 

Root canals are typically needed for teeth affected by severe decay, trauma, or abscesses. They play a significant role in preserving your natural teeth and maintaining your oral health.

Factors That Influence Root Canal Duration

The length of a root canal appointment depends on a variety of factors:

  • Tooth location. Molars, with their multiple roots, often take longer to treat than front teeth, which typically have a single root.
  • Extent of infection or damage. A severely infected or decayed tooth may require additional cleaning time to remove affected or damaged material.
  • Tooth anatomy. Teeth with complex or curved root canals may extend the treatment duration.
  • Technology. Modern tools like rotary instruments can streamline the process and reduce treatment time.

Typical Duration of a Root Canal

  • Single visit: Most root canal treatments can be completed in one appointment lasting between 60 to 90 minutes. This is common for straightforward cases.
  • Multiple visits: In complex or severely infected cases, treatment may require 2–3 appointments, each lasting about 60 to 90 minutes. Additional visits allow time for the tooth to heal between stages of treatment.

What to Expect During a Root Canal

Here’s a step-by-step overview of the root canal process:

1. Examination & Preparation

Your dentist will begin by taking X-rays to assess the tooth’s condition and plan the procedure. The area will be numbed to ensure your comfort throughout the treatment.

2. Accessing the Pulp Chamber

A small opening is made in the tooth to access the infected or damaged tooth pulp.

3. Cleaning & Disinfection

The infected pulp is carefully removed, and the root canal is cleaned and shaped. Your dentist will remove damage and infected pulp, then prepare the tooth for sealing.

4. Sealing the Tooth

The cleaned root canal is filled with a biocompatible material and sealed to prevent future infection. Depending on the case, a temporary filling or permanent crown may be placed to restore the tooth’s structure.

5. Follow-Up Care

A follow-up appointment may be scheduled to ensure proper healing and to place a permanent crown if needed. This final step restores the tooth’s full function and appearance.

Recovery After a Root Canal

It’s normal to experience mild discomfort or sensitivity for a few days after the procedure. Your dentist may recommend:

  • Avoiding hard or chewy foods until the final restoration is complete.
  • Taking prescribed medications or over-the-counter pain relievers as needed.
  • Attending a follow-up appointment to finalize the restoration and ensure proper healing.

How a Root Canal Helps Your Oral Health

A dentist starts by examining a patient's mouth in preparation for a root canal.

Many people, no matter their age, often feel nervous about root canals. Fortunately, modern technology has helped improve the patient experience. Local anaesthetic is applied to your tooth, meaning that the procedure should typically be pain-free.

Root canals are important because they help keep your natural smile intact by avoiding or delaying the need for tooth extraction. In many cases, dental crowns will be provided as part of the root canal process. This is much simpler than extraction, which may require bridges or implants to fill the empty space left by the tooth.

Root canals als stop the spread of infection. Infections that are left untreated can lead to more severe health complications like abscesses or tooth loss, so addressing them in a timely manner minimizes the risk of further dental damage or systemic issues.

Once your root canal is complete, your tooth should function normally, making eating, drinking, flossing, and other activities much easier. In this way, getting a root canal helps you return to your routine without worrying about dental issues hindering your ability to enjoy your favourite foods.

Find Relief with Grand West Dental

The duration of a root canal depends on the case’s complexity and the tooth’s condition. At Grand West Dental, we prioritize your comfort and aim to complete treatments efficiently while ensuring optimal results. Contact us today to learn how we can support your oral health and comfort. 

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  • Chatham, ON N7L 1C3

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