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Is Seltzer Water Bad for Your Teeth?

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A happy young woman sits in her kitchen drinking a glass of water with a jug of seltzer water on the table beside her

While seltzer water may seem like a healthy alternative to soda, is it? Or is it secretly damaging your teeth? 

Unfortunately, drinking seltzer water may be damaging your teeth. The carbon dioxide used to create the bubbles in seltzer water can wear down the enamel that protects your teeth, and sugar used to flavour some seltzer waters can cause tooth damage too. 

However, seltzer water, especially unflavoured kinds, are still better for your teeth than drinking sodas and other high-sugar drinks. By enjoying your favourite bubbly water in moderation and maintaining proper oral hygiene, you should be able to keep drinking seltzer water without seriously damaging your teeth

Seltzer water can damage your teeth in 1 of 2 ways. The first is the carbon dioxide present in all seltzer waters. The second way is through the flavourings used in some seltzer waters, such as sugar and citric acid.

How Does Carbon Dioxide in Seltzer Water Affect Teeth? 

Seltzer water is made by injecting pressurized carbon dioxide into water. The pressurized carbon dioxide then creates the bubbles that are the key to the fizziness of seltzer water. The presence of carbon dioxide in seltzer water makes it slightly acidic. 

This acidity in seltzer water makes it slightly corrosive to your teeth. A recent study found that teeth exposed to seltzer water 3 times a day for 15 minutes a day for 1 week showed significant decreases in the microhardness of their enamel. These results show that frequent exposure to seltzer water can weaken a tooth’s protective enamel

The good news is that it is possible to minimize the effects of carbon dioxide on your teeth. Drinking plain water after consuming seltzer water can help dilute and rinse away any carbon dioxide lingering on your teeth’s enamel. Moderating your seltzer water intake to once a day or less can also help minimize your teeth’s exposure to the carbon dioxide in seltzer water. 

to: A bowl of lemons, limes, and oranges on a wooden table

How Does Flavouring in Seltzer Water Affect Teeth?

Some seltzer waters use flavouring for extra taste. The problem with common flavourings is that they either contain sugar or citric acid. Both sugar and citric acid can have negative impacts on your oral health.  

Citric acid is the component of fruits like lemons and limes that make them sour. Citric acid can contribute to the erosion of tooth enamel. Frequently consuming seltzer waters flavoured with citric acid may contribute to damage to your enamel. 

Other flavourings in seltzer water may include sugar. Sugar is bad for teeth, as it can interact with saliva to create acids that can damage enamel, causing tooth decay and cavities. 

Minimizing the Risks of Flavoured Seltzer Water

The best way to minimize the risks of drinking flavoured seltzer waters is to consume them in moderation. One flavoured water does not have enough citric acid or sugar in it to cause serious tooth decay. However, problems arise when these flavoured drinks are drunk frequently and slowly. 

If you are going to drink flavoured seltzer water, try not to drink them slowly. Drinking acidic drinks slowly increases the time your teeth are exposed to an acidic environment, making it more difficult for your saliva to neutralize the acid in the mouth. 

You can also follow up seltzer water with a glass of plain water to minimize the effects of flavourings on your teeth. Plain or fluoridated water will dilute the acidic ingredients that can be left in your mouth. If you have access to fluoridated water, it can even help protect your teeth’s enamel.

What to Look for When Picking a Seltzer Water

You don’t have to give up on seltzer water, but some may be less acidic than others. By doing some research, you can find information about the acidity of commonly available seltzer waters

You can also check the ingredients on a beverage’s label, which show which seltzer waters have the lowest amounts of sugar and citric acid. The seltzer waters that are least likely to cause tooth damage will have low levels of acidity and zero added flavourings.    

Maintaining Your Oral Health

If you want to maintain your oral health, the best thing you can drink is plain water. Most foods and drinks can’t cause long-term tooth decay when consumed in moderation, but try to avoid foods and drinks that have a lot of sugar and acid in them. In addition, brushing your teeth twice daily and flossing at least once a day will help you maintain a healthy smile. 

Another key aspect of maintaining your oral health is keeping up to date with regular dental exams and cleanings. Our team at Grand West Dental offers services for your whole family so you can all feel confident in your smiles. Book an appointment with us today so we can help you maintain your oral health. 

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  • Chatham, ON N7L 1C3

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*We are open until 6 PM on alternating Wednesdays.

**We are only open on Saturdays once a month.

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